Cell-Energy Concept
The 21st century’s way to maintaining a Energetic, Healthy, Beautiful , Young and Total Well-Being lifestyle.
The 21st century’s way to maintaining a Energetic, Healthy, Beautiful , Young and Total Well-Being lifestyle.

My first encounter of Cellular -Energy nutritional drinks
About four months ago, I was introduced to a health nutritional drink by my good friend, Anthony. Thereafter, I tasted and drank the whole cup within 5 minutes.
While we were about ten minutes into our conversation, I started feeling warmness from inside my body, followed by a hot flushing sensation running through my ears. It was as though something was working in my body system.
Then, Anthony further explained about this Orange flavored drink, made in Germany. The refreshing drink tasted like cocktail, which left a pleasant effect on my taste buds.
Later, the sensation effect slowly faded away within the next 15 minutes.
My second surprise after 30 days
Since young, I take good care of my health very seriously, due to how my Dad passed on.
(When I was 16 years old, he died of Asthma, due to running out of medication when he was working as an Engineer on board a Marine Cargo ship in the south China Sea ).
I became a strong believer of health supplements. It came to my awareness that for as long as I consume daily food court meals, it is going to be difficult to maintain a proper balanced diet.
Therefore, I know I will never get the necessary daily vital nutrients our body requires due to my hectic working lifestyle and daily eating habits. Also, many inevitable modern external environmental situations play a part.
( E.g. Air pollution, Water pollution)
I started on the Fitline program daily ever since Anthony introduced it to me. On the 33rd day morning, I received one of the greatest surprises in my life. While I was doing my usual routine, I realized my old bullet shell burning scar next to my right eye was gone. The scar was caused during my army days and remained there for the last 20 years. It used to be a patch of 10mm x 15mm dark tone mark, with some uneven skin surface.
However, today 95% of it is no longer visible!
I continued consuming the FitLine All Day Pack twice a day, mornings and evenings. This went on for 4 months. In fact, I could feel a tremendous increase of vitality and energy. I feel fresh when I wake up every morning, unlike in the past when I have to drag my feet and force myself to begin a new working day.
Most importantly, I no longer feel my lingering knee pains. Not neglecting raves and positive comments, a food court stall owner near my office place commented that I appear more radiant and fit. Naturally, I thanked her for such wonderful comments. ;-)
Last but not least, I give my sincere thanks to Anthony for introducing this miracle health formula to me.
How I wish to see that more people from all works of life should benefited by taking this health drinks that changed my life. Once again I thanks to Anthony!
Steven P
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