"Business is never so healthy as when, like a chicken, it must do a certain amount of scratching around for what it gets"

Monday, October 31, 2011

APA ADA PADA NAMA. ( Dari programme Tanyalah Ustaz ) / nooraiza.blogspot.com.

ASSALAMUALAIKUM pada yang membaca blog ini:

Hari ini saya nak bersembang tentang nama.Apa ada pada nama?. Malam semalam saya menonton Tanya lah Ustaz yang membincangkan tentang nama..Nama yang baik patut diberi pada setiap orang anak terletak ditangan BAPA bukan IBU. Kata Ustaz lagi , kalau nama yang diberi membawa maksud tidak baik, di akhirat nanti anak itu akan menuntut haknya. Wah... berat tu. Dan di akhirat juga nama kita dipanggil dengan nama panggilan seharian kita bukan yang didaftar.Issue ini menarik perhatian saya. Katanya  lagi kalau hendak anak cerdik pandai , bagi nama Zaki atau Zakiah ......tapi dengann syarat jangan dipanggil singkatan seperti  Zack atau Kiah....itu tak boleh jadi. Mesti panggil nama penuh.

Saya pun teringin nak tahu tentang nama anak anak saya. Ye lah disebabkan kejahilan munkin saya telah bagi nama yang tidak baik bagi mereka. Kata Ustaz nama yang diberi atau dipanggil akan mempengaruhi cara hidup kita.

Survey punya survey dan cari punya cari ; inilah definasi yang saya dapat bagi nama keluarga saya. Saya terkedu sebentar kerana nama nama kami memang banyak terserlah dengan peribadi dan character kami . Maka terjawab lah soalan saya ,kenapa kadang kadang anak anak yang saya sayang tidak menurut kata kerana saya yang panggil mereka dengan nama yang melambangkan peribadi mereka. Apa nak buat.....sekarang baru tahu.Kalau dari dulu ada programme Tanyalah Ustaz ......bahagia dunia akhirat.

ZAINAL PUAT ( Husband )  -----------------Cantik ( memang En zainal memang suka bergaya / dari dulu sampai sekarang memang pandai memilih apa juga dari segi pakaian atau perkakas rumah. Padanya wanita mesti pandai menghias diri..dia tak suka kalau saya tak bergaya tapi saya sendiri malas nak bergaya......simple udahlah )

JUAN  ( Anak sulung ) ------------------------- origin dari Spanish bermaksud God`s gracious gift./ Almighty..itu yang ditulis kat internet. ( dalam bahasa Malaysia maksudnya ...macam mana nak explain nie.....). Tidak silap...... , kerana saya selalu merujuk padanya sebagai Raja didalam rumah kerana sikapnya yang sangat protectitive and authoritive tu. Memang ramai follower. Dia selalu lead the way......

AKIS ( Anak kedua ) ------------------Origin dari Greek bermaksud sweet / nice. Sukakan kanak kanak. Saya tak pasti sangat character ni kerana dirumah dia pendiam giler.......tapi yang pasti memang sangat sukakan binatang terutama kucing. Patutnya saya panggil dia Arif  bermaksud knowlegable.....Dan satu lagi.....ramai sangat Girl Friend....Agak agak nya memang sweet / nice le tu.

NUR KHALEDA (Anak bongsu )...........My little darling. Nama berasal dari Arab bermaksud Eternal / Everlasting. Cahaya didalam keluarga saya. Semua orang sayang dia dan selalu bantu saya buat kerja rumah tapi malas masak.. Tak suka katanya.

Nama saya ....malu nak cakap..kalau tak percaya serve sendiri kat internet.

AIZA  ------------------Dari Arabic bermaksud Noble / courage........berhati mulia. Well.....saya tak boleh nak komen disini tanya pada mereka yang kenal saya. tapi kalau dalam Spanish bermaksud CLIFF ROCK....memang saya kepala batu dan kasar. Yang ini tepat lah dengan saya.

Ha...cam ne, carilah nama anda kalau tak elok kita mula lah tukar nama panggilan kita ye.....panggil saya Kak Nor lagi baik maksudnya cahaya.Walau pun tulisan ini sekadar suka suka tapi kita tidak boleh ambil ringan tentang hal ini kalau tidak masa kan Ustaz tu nak sentuh bab -bab seperti ini.

Dah kena stop ni, banyak tugas menanti sehingga bertemu lagi.

Salam dari NAJ.
  • aizanetwork.blogspot. com ----------All about baking / cakes / receepes.
  • visitperak.blogspot.com  -----------Infor abut Perak and Perak Travel Package.
  • holidaysandleisure.blogspot.com -------About travellings and holidays.
  • _________________________________________________________________

TEL.. 605-3215680  / 6013-4173415 /6013-5971831
Email. Silvernetevent@gmail.com.
BLOG; nooraiza.blogspot.com.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

nooraiza.blogspot.com. - KENANGAN KU DAN MASIH KU INGAT.....

Asssalammualaikum kawan- kawan.

Apa khabar orang orang Kuak hari ni. Pagi tadi saya makan pagi bersama adik saya Hasni tapi saya panggil dia Seni. Kebetulan kami makan pulut udang. Sedap. Kenangan  semasa dikampung datang kembali. Kalau pasal pulut udang ni tak ada siapa yang boleh menandingi pulut udang Chu Sah. Pulut udangnya sangat sedap dan saya selalu beli.
Sumber pendapatan suri rumah orang Kuak pada masa itu adalah membuat kueh yang dihantar dikedai kopi termasuk ibu saya yang famous dengan kueh serimukanya. Kedai kopi yang ada pada masa itu kedai Tok Wan / Kedai Babu dan Kedai Long Mat. Kedai Pak E selepas kedai mereka ini. Kedai Tok Wan saya selalu beli ais kacang atau ais kepal dan bila saya pulang dari sekolah singgah sekejap baca surat khabar tapi suratkhabarnya dalan tulisan jawi....Kalau kedai  Babu pula tak boleh nak challege kundasnya yang dimakan dengan kuah kacang dan kedai Long Mat pagi pagi saya suka makan pulutnya. Wah..wah.. itu kenangan saya dan masih saya ingat...............Oh ye...betul tak ada kedai kopi Mydin ? saya tak berapa nak ingat.
Kedai runcit Pekan Kuak di kuasai oleh orang China. Kedai Abi / Kedai Kecik / Kedai Gemuk dan Kedai Ah Kau dan ada dua kedai orang melayu iaitu kedai Pak Teh dan kedai Pak Cik Musa.
Pegawai Polis masa itu ialah Tok Din dan Tok Hassan. Kalau Hari Raya saya mesti pergi rumah Tok Hassan sebab boleh makan kek. Kek adalah makanan kegemaran saya tapi susah nak dapat maklum lah ekonomi keluarga saya 'Kais pagi makan pagi,kais petang makan petang '
Tapi satu perkara yang saya tak faham....China Kecik tu kalau nak beli ayam kampung dia yang letak harga bukan penjual. Ini terjadi pada arwah tok saya Tok Chah. Memang dasar belit sungguh mereka ini. Ketua Kampung masa tu ialah Cu Mid dan orang panggil dia Tok Ketua Hamid.
Gambaran kampung pada zaman enam puluhan masih terakam di peti memori saya.Zaman tu saya masih disekolah rendah. Kemana perginya kawan kawan seusia saya. Rindu sungguh. Nama setengah kawan kawan yang masih saya ingat Rohaiza , Zainab, Sopiah, Nooraini,Jamian, Khadri, Ahmad Termizi, Zulkifli, Azni, Abd Razak, Norsida, Omar dan ramai lagi....Dimana anda semua.....Masa sekolah saya menjadi ketua kelas A. Saya ingat...saya garang dan saya selalu buli budak budak lain.Ye lah masa tu masih kanak kanak masih belum dapat membezakan baik atau buruknya, Ketua kelas B ialah Hamid Saidin
Masa zaman kanak kanak saya sangat nakal. Pergi memanah ikan disungai dengan anak anak Long Mat. Arwah J yang ajar. Memang tomboy habis. Panjat pokok jambu sampai jatuh......tapi anak anak saya sekarang pokok pun tak pandai nak panjat. Dalam keluarga saya ni sebagai black sheep sebab saya hitam!!!!!.dan nakal.
Oooiiii...panjang lagi nak cerita..itu belum masuk bab main polis sentry  atau main tuju tin dan main guli. Memang saya tak pernah belajar masak semuanya permainan orang lelaki.
Tup tup....habis darjah enam saya dapat tawaran belajar di Ipoh. Maka disitu terputus lah hubungan saya dengan kawan kawan dan bermula phasa hidup berasrama.
Suka duka didalam kehidupan ...hari demi hari berlalu ...makin hampir waktu untuk pulang...pengembaraan akan ada penghujungnye.....Bekalan untuk pulang masih belum ada / sempatkah saya menyiapkan bekalan?

Nostalgia zaman kanak kanak tetap nostalgia.Walaupun hidup dikampung saya sangat sangat bahagia walaupun ekonomi keluarga saya tidak baik . Ucapan Jutaan terima kasih saya kepada Arwah bapa saya   Johan Bin Mat Akib ( yang meninggalkan kami lebih kurang 30 tahun yang lalu ) dan ibu saya Supiah Bt Abd Rahman yang membesar dan mendidik saya seadanya. Kasihsayang saya kepada mereka akan terus berkekalan ke akhirat.
Emosi sekejap.........................................................Terima kasih juga kepada guru guru yang memberi saya ilmu dan pendidikan. Arwah Chegu Harun / Chegu Esah / Chegu Jah / Teacher Fauziah dan Sir Hassan.

Dan banyak lagi....KENANGAN KU DAN MASIH KU INGAT......

Sehingga bertemu lagi di lain coretan..
Salam dari NAJ.

Nota; Kalau ada kawan kawan saya yang baca blog ini / hubungi saya 605-3215680 / 6013-4173415 / 6013-5971831. Saya nak buat  satu perjumpaan.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

nooraiza.blogspot.com - HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE / DARAH TINGGI.

Mengapa Urus Tekanan Darah

Tekanan darah tinggi adalah faktor paling jelas bagi penyakit jantung. Apabila tekanan darah anda berada dalam julat yang sihat, anda akan mengurangkan tekanan pada jantung, arteri dan buah pinggang anda yang mana menjadikan anda lebih sihat lebih lama.

Periksa tekanan darah anda.Tekanan darah tinggi, yang juga dikenali sebagai hipertensi, bermaksud darah yang mengalir dalam arteri anda mengalir dengan daya yang terlalu tinggi dan memberi tekanan kepada arteri anda, meregangkannya melampaui hadnya yang sihat dan menyebabkan koyakan mikroskopik (koyakan halus). Badan kita kemudiannya bertukar kepada mod penyembuhan untuk membaiki koyakan ini dengan tisu parut. Namun malangnya, tisu parut ini memerangkap plak dan sel-sel darah putih yang boleh membentuk sumbatan, darah beku, dan arteri yang mengeras dan lemah.

Dengan mengekalkan tekanan darah anda dalam julat yang sihat, anda:
  1. Mengurangkan risiko untuk melampau regangkan atau mencederakan dinding salur darah anda.
  2. Mengurangkan risiko sumbatan yang juga melindungi jantung dan otak anda.
  3. Melindungi seluruh badan anda agar tisu-tisu anda mendapat bekalan tetap darah yang kaya dengan oksigen yang diperlukannya.

Apakah Akibat Tekanan Darah Tinggi?

Tekanan darah tinggi yang tidak terkawal boleh mencederakan atau membunuh anda. Ianya adakalanya digelar “pembunuh senyap” kerana ia tiada tanda. Lebih kurang 80% penduduk dunia pernah mendapat hipertensi dalam hidup mereka dan satu daripada tiga orang dewasa mempunyai tekanan darah tinggi, namun, ramai yang tidak menyedari mendapatnya. Tekanan darah tinggi yang tidak terkawal membunuh ramai orang dan mendatangkan huru-hara pada banyak mereka yang masih hidup dengan menyebabkan penyakit jantung dan angin ahmar (strok).

Sumbatan dan darah beku bermakna kurang darah dapat sampai ke organ-organ penting kita, dan tanpa darah, tisu-tisu mati. Itulah sebabnya tekanan darah tinggi boleh membawa kepada angin ahmar, serangan jantung, kegagalan buah pinggang, malah kegagalan jantung.

Apa Yang Boleh Saya Lakukan Untuk Mengurangkan Tekanan Darah Saya?

Ini satu berita baik! Tekanan darah tinggi adalah boleh diurus. Tidak kira tekanan darah anda adalah tinggi atau normal (normal adalah kurang daripada 120 mm Hg sistolik DAN kurang daripada 80mm Hg diastolic atau <120/80) pengubahsuaian gaya hidup di bawah memberi pelan hidup jantung-sihat yang hebat untuk kita semua.

Tambahan lagi, perubahan-perubahan ini boleh menurunkan tekanan darah anda tanpa menggunakan sebarang ubat preskripsi:

- makan makanan yang sihat-jantung, yang merangkumi pengurangan garam dalam makanan;
- menikmati aktiviti fizikal tetap dan mengekalkan berat yang sihat;
- mengurus tekanan, tidak mengambil alkohol, dan mengelak asap tembakau.

nooraiza.blogspot.com - KENCING MANIS / DIABETES.

Cara Mengawal Kencing Manis (Diabetes)

Dr. Noraziah Abd. Kadir Jailani.
Pakar Perubatan Am dan Dermatologi, Pusat Perubatan Darul Ehsan (DEMC),       Shah Alam, Selangor.

Perubahan Cara Hidup
Perubahan cara hidup mampu mengelakkan kencing manis dan mengawal tahap gula dalam darah. Pesakit kencing manis dinasihatkan mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga untuk mengelakkan dan mengawal kencing manis dengan melakukan beberapa perkara seperti di bawah.
  • Pemakanan
    Pemakanan berkarbohidrat dan gula seharusnya dikurangkan supaya pengambilan kadar kalori pada sesehari itu terkawal. Berbincanglah dengan doktor atau pakar pemakanan untuk cara diet yang terkawal.
  • Senaman
    Senaman penting untuk membantu mengurangkan berat badan dan juga menambahkan kesihatan jantung dan paru-paru (kardiorespiratori). Senaman perlu dimulakan secara beransur-ansur dan dengan nasihat doktor.
  • Penjagaan berat badan
    Pesakit yang mempunyai berat badan berlebihan akan mendapati tahap gula dalam badan sukar dikawal. Terdapat pesakit yang boleh menghentikan ubat kencing manis apabila berat badan dapat dikawal.
  • Pemeriksaan diri sendiri
    Pesakit kencing manis dinasihatkan membuat pemeriksaan sendiri terutamanya pada jari dan kaki yang kebas untuk tanda luka atau jangkitan kerana deria rasa sakit berkurangan. Ini membolehkan rawatan awal agar jangkitan tidak merebak.
Pemeriksaan Doktor dan Ubat
Pemeriksaan oleh doktor untuk memastikan kadar gula dalam darah mesti dilakukan secara berterusan. Ini membolehkan penghidap kencing manis memastikan bahawa tahap gula dalam darah adalah terkawal. Dianggarkan bagi setiap 1 peratus pengurangan kadar ujian darah A1 C, mampu menurunkan masalah berkaitan kencing manis sebanyak 40 peratus. Penjagaan anggota kaki dan tangan mampu mengurangkan kes anggota badan perlu dipotong disebabkan oleh komplikasi jangkitan sebanyak 45 hingga 85 peratus.

Kekerapan membuang air kecil boleh disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti:

- Kencing manis yang tidak terkawal dan tahap gula tinggi dalam darah
- Jangkitan kuman atau kencing kotor
- Kerosakan buah pinggang
- Masalah pundi kencing sama ada gangguan saraf atau masalah pundi kencing seperti pundi kencing yang terlalu aktif, disyorkan agar berjumpa doktor untuk pemeniksaan selanjutnya.

*   Minuman kesihatan FITLINE dapat membantu mengembalikan kesihatan anda . 

Tel. 605-3215680 / 6013-4173415 / 6013-5971831.

Friday, October 21, 2011




LCExperience the new anti-aging dimension with all your senses.

With the BeautyLine Anti-Aging System your skin will glow full of freshness, energy and zest for life. Wrinkles and fine lines will be clearly reduced. Your skin will feel tauter and firmer.

The BeautyLine Anti-Aging System is perfect care for the skin from the age of 40 and at the first sign of wrinkles – experience innovative anti-aging technology with longterm and immediate effects. Your skin will glow full of freshness, energy and zest for life. Wrinkles and fine lines will be clearly reduced. Your skin will feel tauter and firmer. For visibly and noticeably younger appearance.

The NTC Complex* in combination with hyaluronic acid, vitamins and extracts of green tea supports cell regeneration and skin restructuring. The skin cells’ anti-aging protection is improved (DNA protection) and wrinkles and fine lines are clearly reduced. Experience a younger appearance and visibly and noticeably firmer and smoother skin.

Products currently available in our Anti-Aging-System:

BeautyLine Anti-Aging System Day Care
The Anti-Aging System Day Care LSF15 with NTC Complex* and hyaluronic acid improves and stabilizes the skin’s biological processes and fine lines and wrinkles are reduced. Extracts of green tea have an antioxidative effect, camomile calms. Your skin will become smoother, more even and look younger.

BeautyLine Anti-Aging System Night Care
The Anti-Aging System Night Care with NTC Complex* and hyaluronic acid, supports cell regeneration. Extracts of plankton and sea algae stimulate the DNA repair effect during the night. Extracts of green tea have an antioxidative effect, camomile calms. Fine lines and wrinkles are reduced. Your skin becomes smoother, more even and looks younger. 

BeautyLine Anti-Aging System 12h-Activ- Serum
The skin activating serum with NTC Complex* and hyaluronic acid vitalizes the skin and provides long lasting moisture. Cell renewal is stimulated and the skin’s own build up of collagen is promoted. Extracts of green tea have an antioxidative effect. The skin’s structure is clearly improved and wrinkles and fine lines smoothened. The skin feels fresher, tauter and firmer.

You will achieve ideal anti-aging results by regular use of the BeautyLine Cleansing System in combination with the Anti-Aging System.

News - Latest
Written by Ivan Dimchev   
Wednesday, 05 October 2011 20:30
The power of FitLine - Cell Energy Set


Yesss... topic hari ini adalah PARANOID. atau paranoia. Ini juga adalah satu penyakit. Saya cari kat internet tadi ( walaupun saya faham apa iru paranoid) didefinasikan Paranoid adalah MENTAL DISORDER. Huh...hebat tu. Kenapa saya pilih paranoid....kerana ada orang yang cakap pada saya bahawa saya paranoid.dan itu bermaksud mental disorder...bermaksud GILA.
Saya dipanggil paranoid just becaure I care and ask too much. Oppsss..got to shut up from now.Just want to take care of myself. Drink more Avtivizer Oxyplus.... sebab bekalan oxygen akan sampai ke brain yang membuat kita lebih segar dan kuat ingatan. Mudah mudahan Paranoia saya ini akan beransur pulih. Ye lah...umur dah lebih setengah abad tentulah paranoid kan...dan dah setengah abad lah saya berbakti dan senantiasa paranoid......SAD....SAD....SAD....

FITLINE ... ACTIVIZER OXYPLUS ....membekalkan oxygen yang diperlukan oleh sel badan dan termasuk brain supaya lebih segar dan kuat ingatan. Di minum diwaktu pagi seperti morning cocktail Harga RM 158-90.
Kalau nak order Email; silvernetevent@gmail.com / Or call 605-3215680 / 6013-4173415 / 6013-5971831.

Till I write again and take care
From NAJ


Cell-Energy Concept
The 21st century’s way to maintaining a Energetic, Healthy, Beautiful , Young and Total Well-Being lifestyle.

My first encounter of Cellular -Energy nutritional drinks
About four months ago, I was introduced to a health nutritional drink by my good friend, Anthony. Thereafter, I tasted and drank the whole cup within 5 minutes.
While we were about ten minutes into our conversation, I started feeling warmness from inside my body, followed by a hot flushing sensation running through my ears. It was as though something was working in my body system.
Then, Anthony further explained about this Orange flavored drink, made in Germany. The refreshing drink tasted like cocktail, which left a pleasant effect on my taste buds.
Later, the sensation effect slowly faded away within the next 15 minutes.

My second surprise after 30 days
Since young, I take good care of my health very seriously, due to how my Dad passed on.
(When I was 16 years old, he died of Asthma, due to running out of medication when he was working as an Engineer on board a Marine Cargo ship in the south China Sea ).
I became a strong believer of health supplements. It came to my awareness that for as long as I consume daily food court meals, it is going to be difficult to maintain a proper balanced diet.
Therefore, I know I will never get the necessary daily vital nutrients our body requires due to my hectic working lifestyle and daily eating habits. Also, many inevitable modern external environmental situations play a part.
( E.g. Air pollution, Water pollution)

I started on the Fitline program daily ever since Anthony introduced it to me. On the 33rd day morning, I received one of the greatest surprises in my life. While I was doing my usual routine, I realized my old bullet shell burning scar next to my right eye was gone. The scar was caused during my army days and remained there for the last 20 years. It used to be a patch of 10mm x 15mm dark tone mark, with some uneven skin surface.
However, today 95% of it is no longer visible!

I continued consuming the FitLine All Day Pack twice a day, mornings and evenings. This went on for 4 months. In fact, I could feel a tremendous increase of vitality and energy. I feel fresh when I wake up every morning, unlike in the past when I have to drag my feet and force myself to begin a new working day.

Most importantly, I no longer feel my lingering knee pains. Not neglecting raves and positive comments, a food court stall owner near my office place commented that I appear more radiant and fit. Naturally, I thanked her for such wonderful comments. ;-)

Last but not least, I give my sincere thanks to Anthony for introducing this miracle health formula to me.
How I wish to see that more people from all works of life should benefited by taking this health drinks that changed my life. Once again I thanks to Anthony!

Steven P


Choices of Life

We live in this world with full of choices, irregardless of where we from..
Each and every one of us have the choices of life:
If we can choose to always stay young at heart, we will continue to learn and enjoy in every stage of our life.

Get healthy, the best time to stay healthy is while we are still healthy. It is so important to know that without a healthy body system, we lose our basic ability to perform in all aspects of life. Worst still, when you are very ill, our close ones will also suffer.

Be wealthy, money is not everything. However, without money, we will tend to miss many things in life! If we help as many people to get what they want in life, we will get what we want in our life with many folds in return (law of Give vs Get).

If we keep doing the right things continuously with the right passion, we will enjoy our life to the fullest with the highest success.
What we did to ourselves will die with us one day.. What we did to others will continue to be memorised for life!
Try and touch as many lives with good will and happiness, then we will enjoy our life with full of satisfaction and happiness too.

About my recent experience in life

About 8 months ago, I was introduced by my good friend to a range of quality nutritional health supplementary drinks from Germany. After consuming, they really blow me a away and changed my life.
Imagine the health benefits and the energy it provides to our body cells. (a patented new cellular energy concept that give your body 5 times or more vital nutrients absorption).
Not only I am amazed by how effective the products completely removed my many years, old bullet shell burning scar on my face beside my right eye after just 1 month, they also gave me the energy I needed to remain youthful. This caught my close friends by surprise!

Now, I am convinced to share this unique product benefits and touch more lives in this world. I believe there are many people who need such a wonderful product for the benefits of their family and themselves to stay healthy and fit.
Infact, this even more necessary in keeping our body fit to tackle the tough times ahead.
With the rapid Internet connectivity we have nowadays, I believe it is not a difficult task to achieve my goal of sharing to ten of thousands of life in short future.
Hopefully, by then more people will join me in this good deed to help touch and save more lives around the Asia Pacific region.

Steven P

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dallas Then and Now / MASIH KU INGAT.......

Video ini tidak ada kaitan dengan kesihatan hanya kenangan masa silam. Siri TV kegemaran saya lebih kurang 30 thn. yang lampau. Saya pernah melawat rumah ini bersama Harizan Dzulkifli dan Salbiah Abd, Rahman. Kenangan yang tidak akan saya lupakan Munkin kah saya boleh melawat kesana lagi ?. Kenangan makan oyster dengan susu segar....dan kenangan tidur didalam kelas bersama Harizan. Kacang atas meja habis kami makan tapi masih kami tidur. Sedar -sedar orang dah selesai belajar. Pertama kali saya naik flight..tiap tiap airport kami bergambar. Sempat pergi San Francisco / Los Angeles /Las Vegas. Best giler.....Breakfast tengok Mat Salleh makan pisang pakai potong / nak gelak pun ada sebab saya terus ambil dan makan macam biasalah...... Disaat itu saya becita-cita untuk mempunyai satu syarikat perlancongan. Yessss... I did it. I own one now....So friends......JOM MELANCUNG / JJauh perjalanan luas pemandangan. Bye and take care from NAJ.

The 4 Best Ways to Cleanse Your Colon / Fitline - Basic

Fitline - Basic Plus juga bertindak membersihkan colon seperti disebut didalam video ini. Fitline basic plus juga meningkatkan daya ketahanan badan ( immune system) Harga RM 327-80

Oxygen Transport / Fitline Activizer Oxyplus.

Fitline activizer oxyplus bertindak seperti apa yang dikehendaki oleh badan kita supaya terus hidup dan segar. Awet muda dan meningkatkan daya pemikiran dan ingatan. Harga RM 158-90


Terdapat banyak vitamin D didalam FITLINE - RESTORATE  / Harga RM 102-25
Terdapat banyak vitamin didalam Fitline Restorate / Harga RM 102-25
Terdapat banyak vitamin D didalam Fitline Restorate / Harga RM 102-25

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


BeautyLine – See. Feel. Experience.

The Anti-Aging Strategy against Premature Skin Aging

To look fit, energetic and younger to a high age is a requirement of our times. The background to this development is to be found in the fact that our life expectancy has been continually increasing over the last 100 years. Yet in the course of our life, not just our personality but, unfortunately, also our skin ages.
What is needed are effective strategies to delay, or beneficially influence the body’s aging processes, especially those of the skin.
Anti-aging - a term from the USA – stands for against aging and for these strategies.
The most important measures to prevent premature aging of the skin are not disputed – a responsible, balanced way of life in combination with a sensible skin care system.
The product concepts and products by BeautyLine are your ideal allies in striving to simply look younger – and at any age.


Fitline ini adalah minuman kesihatan. Product dari Germany ( Eropah ). Dibuat dari enzyme buah-buahan dan dirumus dalam bentuk serbuk. Dibancuh dengan sukatan dicampur air putih  atau ais. Boleh dibeli secara berasingan tetapi kesannya kurang sikit. Di syorkan untuk beli 1 set  ( Cell  energy set ) 3 barang iaitu:

1)   Activizer Oxyplus   --  Membekalkan oxygen keseluruhan sel badan.. Kebaikan : lebih bertenaga dan kuat daya ingatan. Menyegarkan sel badan  supaya lebih segar dan muda /awet muda / muka lebih berseri. Diminum diwaktu pagi sebagai  morning cocktail. Harga RM 158-90

2)   Basic Plus  -  Membuang toxic didalam badan. Mencuci intestine dari lemak dan kekotoran. Meningkatkan daya ketahanan badan. Diminum diwaktu pagi. Basic Plus +  Activizer Oxyplus dan diminum sebagai morning cocktail. Harga RM 327-80.

3)   Restorate  -  Membaikpulih sel badan. Membuang acid dalam badan / untuk kecantikan kulit dan mata / menguatkan tulang dan kuku / membaiki urat saraf dan pembuluh darah / nyenyak tidur dan hilang stress. Diminum setengah jam sebelum tidur. Harga RM 102-25

Nota ; Puan Sopia boleh semak kandungan dan kebaikan product didalam blog ini ( entry yang terdahulu )
Harga satu set M 558-R90 - Mahal sikit tapi sangat baik. Saya sudah dapat kesannya dan anak saya juga. Anak saya mengidap penyakit Athriris / Phorisis penyakit yang bersangkutan dengan perkembangan sel badan. Insyaallah Dr. kata sakitnya dah makin baik.
Order melalui saya dan saya akan hantar. Sekarang saya jadi ahli syarikat ini. Jadi ahli RM 60-00.
Kalau melalui ADS4RICHS.COM /SILVERNET ..Bayar keahlian RM 350-00  dan taja 5 orang akan dapat barang percuma. Kiraan nya macam ini; setiap tajaan mendapat diskaun RM 100-00. Keahlian didalam Ads4richs.com akan tetap hidup dan berpeluang mendapat pasif income kalau ramai yang beli produt ini.

Puan Sopia saya pun baru join dan dah dapat rasa kebaikan minuman ini.
Kalau nak tahu lebih sila hubungi saya lagi. Terima kasih.


Effectiveness, Quality and Safety of the FitLine® Products
Health is one of our most valuable commodities - this is clearly indicated by the huge growth in the market for nutritional supplements during the last few years. Unfortunately, many products with low standards of quality have also been washed onto the market. How is it possible to separate the wheat from the chaff?
One unmistakable criterium is certainly manufacture according to the international quality standard (GMP/ISO).This is not obligatory! However,only 5% of nutritional supplements are produced according to it - the FitLine® products are among them.
Beyond this quality standard, we have developed our own standards to improve the effectiveness of FitLine®. Because it is only effective products that are taken over a long period. Our twoconcepts, which are unique world-wide, NGP® (Nutrient Group Product) and NTC® (Nutrient Transport Concept) stand for the quantitative and qualitative composition of the products, their effective synergy and, above all,their so-called bioavailability - their absorption into the body. Thanks to those concepts, the FitLine® products can develop their effects exactly where they are needed Ð in our billions of cells..
Effectiveness, quality, safety - that is what makes the FitLine® products excellent and unique.
Product Philosophy

Scientifically safeguarded and patented

  • stay younger for longer
  • live more healthily
  • better appearance
  • better charisma
  • improved well-being
  • enhanced achievement

The Perfect Anti-Aging Program
Lack of energy, accelerated aging, obesity and the development of illnesses

The main reasons for lack of energy, accelerated aging, obesity and the development of disease are

  • deficiencies in nutrients and vital substances
  • lack of oxygen
  • over-acidity
  • oxidative stress

The consequences of this affect us: physically,mentally and spiritually

When are we healthy and able to perform, i.e.when is our fire burning and producing cozy warmth and energy?

Only a fireplace, which is supplied with good firewood,a lighter and oxygen, is kept free of soot regularly and maintained well, will let a fire burn in the best possible way and produce cozy warmth and energy.
Our billions of cells behave in the same way as a fireplace.
Using the FitLine® product program we attack the root-causes of the problem...
If our cells have sufficient energy and are healthy, then we are healthy too!
Our cells "burn" in the best possible way and produce maximum energy for performance, health, well-being and the right weight when there is
  • an optimum supply of nutrients and vital substances
  • sufficient oxygen
  • the best possible removal of acidity and waste
  • maximum protection of the cells against aggressive Free Radical

Only the Best for Health, Fitness and Beauty. For the whole family.

Fireplace Solution
FitLine® Premium Health
FitLine® Basic® PLUS
Vital Substances
FitLine® Basic® PLUS
FitLine® Activize® OXYPLUS
Ash /Soot
Acids and Waste
FitLine® Restorate
Care /Maintenance
Protection of cells against Free Radicals
FitLine® Basic® PLUS
FitLine® Activize® OXYPLUS
FitLine® Restorate
...all of this with
intake of nutrients and vital substances up to five times higher and faster with PM Õs own Nutrient Transport Concept (NTC®)

through the synergistically combined effect of the individual nutrients and vital substances as a Nutrient Group Product (NGP®)


the FitLine® products adhere to the strictest international controls on quality and purity of the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


FitLine Testimonials
"I have lived with the symptoms of MS for the last 4 years, when I was 10 my eyesight failed and it took a year to find out that I had demyelization of the optic nerve, the Doctors told me I had Multiple Sclerosis. It wasn't until October 2003 that my balance started to get worse. I started on Interferon but in August 2004 I had another attack to the point I ended up in hospital on a course of steroids.

After I got out of hospital my fatigue was shocking, I was in a wheelchair, unable to walk unassisted & had really bad bladder problems. Worst of all I was unable to attend school for most of the term but finally ended up going for the last few weeks for a couple of half days with the assistance of the wheelchair. My parents have taken me to a Chiropractor that has helped me greatly however since I have been on the Fitline, I have regained energy that I haven't had for years. Also I now sleep wonderfully where before I was on sleeping tablets. Before I used to stay home because I was always so tired but now I can go to the Movies, stay up at Parties like New Years Eve and then get up early the next morning and spend the whole day on the boat having great fun with my family and friends. I have only been taking Fitline® for around 3 weeks and I am sure that by the time I start school I will be able to go fulltime. With Fitline® and the extra energy I have to regularly exercise, I have great hope to get my MS under control and my balance back to normal. 3 months ago I was in a wheelchair, I had medication for my bladder, sleeping tablet every night and my life as a teenager was just awful, this not only affected me but also my whole family. Thank you to all at Fitline® for changing my life so much."

Maddy Clark, WA, Age 15...
(Maddy is one of many sufferers of MS that take our product regularly and has also been the face of the MS Society in 2005)

"I have been using FitLine® now for three months and have found it an excellent aid for my running. My training run times have improved by up to five minutes and I completed the Puffing Billy Fun Run eight minutes faster than last year. I have changed nothing in my training routine or my eating routine other than taking FitLine® and have achieved these great results from this wonderful product. I would recommend anyone to try it, if not for running, or another sport, then just for general wellbeing."

Pauline Anderson, Melbourne...

"I am a cyclist with the Australian Institute of Sport High Performance Program preparing for the Beijing Paralympics. I am a road and track cyclist, holding two world records. Since commencing to use the Fitline® Program I have observed a significant energy increase and a high level of sustainability. I am able to maintain heart rate levels for longer with an increase in my stamina and endurance. In particular, my recovery has dramatically improved allowing me to back up efforts the next day."

Angela Fleming, Adelaide...

"Having had 3 heart operations and wearing a pacemaker, I was lacking energy badly,. had no desire to do any thing. Since I use Activize Oxyplus, Basics Plus and Restorate I feel revitalized. I have lots of energy and feel great."

Werner Steinbruck, Langwarrin, Victoria, Age 60...

"I am 53 years young and a below knee amputee. After my leg was amputated I sat around in a wheel chair feeling sorry for myself. My weight went from 90 kilo to 140 kilo which was a problem because of the following reasons:

1. the weight itself was making the fitting of prosetics very hard and costly. My stump was constantly getting infections and blisters because of my unfit state
2. my blood pressure was going up to the stage where it reached 190/120
3. with the amount of weight I was carrying I was diagnosed as sugar diabetic type 2
4. blood sugar got up to 7.4 - 7.9

In November 2005 I was introduced to the Fitline® Optimal Set (morning, noon and night) and with an open mind I started taking the product every day. It is now the 1st of February 2006 (it has been 3 months), and I now feel better within myself. I have lost 7 kilos, my blood sugar has been constantly 4.9 for over 1 month now, and my blood pressure has dropped to 120/80. Infections on my stump have reduced drastically and friends that haven't seen me for a while keep saying, you are looking well these days."

Jim Cross, Ferndale, WA...

"I was diagnosed in 1995 with a cross between the then newly discovered Chronic fatigue & Ross River Virus. At the time the medical profession could not give me a full diagnosis of my problems.
My problems were: over tiredness, and constantly sleeping, (generally 14 hours a day or more), unable to stay awake for longer than 2 hours, massive inactivity led to my weight going from 83kg to 100kg, elevated LFT's normal range 0-48...mine 300+ (LFT=Liver Function Test), swollen liver (hepatitis) but not viral A,B,or C...again no answers for me!
This resulted in constant visits to my GP for blood tests and I lost my job as this continued for 10 years. I was introduced to Fitline® about 18 months ago by a good friend who managed to overcome my skepticm by being persistent about me trying the products. Today I am happy he did persist as I am feeling better than I did 18 years ago! In 10 months of taking the Optimal set along with Zellschutz I have lost a massive 22kg or 45lbs! I do not exercise, I have not changed my diet, and I still don't eat vegetables with the exception of carrots and potatoes. I feel fantastic, I look like I'm 10 years younger, and I'm a lot more active!

My wife Jan Marie is a sufferer of MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and she has her own remarkable testimony."

Lee Bartholomew, Rockingham, Age 36...

"Being a grand mother of 4 little active boys, using the Optimal Set helps me to enjoy these little life bundles. Also I feel far more energetic and with that have lots more fun playing tennis. I seem to out last younger opponents playing long matches. I also had some skin problems that have gone away since using the product."

Gisela Steinbruck, Langwarrin, Victoria, Age 65...

"Since using FitLine Activize Oxyplus, Basics Plus and Restorate, I feel I have more energy as I am not so tired any more and can concentrate on my business. Also as I am a sufferer of headaches and migraines, I feel FitLine has helped to subside them which is a great relief for me as they can wipe me out for a couple of days."

Debbie C, Langwarrin, Victoria, Age 40...

"Using the Activize Oxyplus I find that I have far more energy than before. It definitely helps me through my time at work and I seem to recover much quicker from tiredness."

Angelika Krause, Frankston, Victoria, Age 53...

"I have been suffering badly from hay fever every summer for many years. I tried all kind of medication that is on the market. I am taking Activize Oxyplus, Basics Plus and Restorate now for 2 month and the hay fever is gone. Now I can enjoy my long distance running again without any problems. "

Michelle Krause, Frankston, Victoria, Age 23...

"I have been introduced to the product about 1 year ago. Taking the Optimal Set for some time I have found astonishing results in my body. I had lost initially over a period of 3 month, 12 kg in weight. Since then I have put on 2 kg again and have stabilized in weight. I am sleeping much better and do not snore near as much any more than what I did before. Something my wife is very delighted about. I have had no flue or illness since taking the products and I am far more active and have lots more energy to burn."

Dieter Krause, Frankston, Victoria, Age 53...

"I used to suffer from psoriasis. Mostly effected where my arms and legs. I have also to much acid build up in my body causing my right leg to swell up. I am using the FitLine Activize Oxyplus, Basics Plus and Restorate for about 3 month now. My psoriasis is almost gone and the fluid build up in my leg has just about disappeared."

John Taborsky, Frankston, Victoria...

"When I saw my husband improving so much with his problems I started to take the FitLine products as well. I am having a skin condition that causes my hands to crack and open up. It makes it very hard to do my house work because of it. I find since I am using the product that my hands are o.k and I can do my house work again with out any pain."

Trish Taborsky...

"I have been taking Fitline Optimal set since May 2005. Since that time I have experienced both weight loss and increased energy. To quote a dear friend of mine, that has not seen me for 18 months, "you look so alive " In October last year, I was unfortunate enough to eat fish that was contaminated with Cigutera. Cigutera fish poisoning was something I had never heard of but once researching on the Internet seems quite common, in reef fish. This was confirmed by the health department. There were three of us with the fish poisoning. The two other people literally spend close to 2 months in bed. I felt quite sick for the first couple of weeks, but I continued to run my business, and exercise daily.

After a couple of weeks the flu like symptoms went away, and I have had no other symptoms. I put this recovery down to the effectiveness of Fitline. I would not have been able to recover as quickly or even continue to function in the early days, without it. I am convinced that this helped me to a speedy recovery. I feel fit, energetic, healthy and glad to be alive. I would recommend fitline to anyone. I am 58 years old, and now have more energy that I did when I was 30."

Susan Bishop, Queensland...

"At 70 years old, I had been diagnosed with a range of ailments, including osteoporosis, high sugar levels and high cholesterol. I started taking the Fitline Optimal Set around 12 months ago. When I went for a bone density test recently, my doctor was amazed to find that my bone density had increased by 15%*! This is something he has never heard of before - osteoporosis is a degenerative disease with no cure, only treatment to prevent further deterioration. I am convinced that Fitline has created this result, in particular the Restorate, which contains trace minerals. My doctor said to me he didn't know what I was taking or doing to create an improvement in my bone density, but that I needed to keep doing it!

Since taking Fitline, my sugar levels and cholesterol levels have also decreased, so I have had major improvements to my health all-round."

Maxine Brennan, Donnybrook, WA... (I have a documented copy of this bone density test, if required.)

"The benefits I have received from taking Fitline morning, lunch time, and evening pack are:

Firstly I noticed that my hair had regained its strong lustrous quality. Secondly my hair only needs washing once a week, no sign of scalp things such as dandruff appear and the hair remains nicely balanced neither oily nor dry. When I started taking Fitline I also went on a diet and exercise program. During the eight weeks that I stayed on the diet and exercise program I shed 10 kg. While I have been remiss in following the diet and doing the exercise I have not regained any of that 10kg.

At the time I started Fitline, 28th December 2005, I had some problems with gall bladder, not serious but enough to be annoying and that has disappeared. One of the symptoms of the gall bladder not working properly was my waking up between 3am and 4am. I now sleep right through to six o'clock.

The only time I have stopped taking Fitline was a recent holiday when I missed about four days. When I resumed with the morning dose I immediately experience a tingling Niacin flush which had not happened before even when I first started. My body was obviously glad to be back on the mix.

It is a great product, I'm so pleased Danita Needleman and Laurence Harrould introduced me to Fitline. When I started I knew that I had a track record of taking vitamins for a few weeks, experiencing weight increase and body pain from too much input, so I was skeptical about whether I would make a habit of taking the product. Danita provided me with three weeks supply to see if I would habituate or discover the same symptoms as with other products. I did habituate and I didn't put on weight or feel like exploding, and I became a customer."

Denise Moser...

"My name is Wayne Barwick, 44 year old sales Consultant from Perth, Australia. I would like to thank every person that introduced me to Fitline.

Before I met Fitline I was a salesman working long hours and struggling with Type 2 Diabetes. Late last year I was told if something did not change with my diet intake, I was headed for a disaster. I was told that I had a high loss of protein from my kidneys and would soon be on a dialysis machine to clean them out.

My sugars over a 3 month average before having Fitline was 13.8 and had been for a long time, we tried all types of diets and extra medications and so on.

My Cholesterol was 5.6 and blood pressure high, what a mess to be in. When I first started on the Fitline products I was very skeptical and did not have much trust in people advising me to try other products outside the doctor's request. I am glad I did not listen this time, the result I have had will blow you away as it did me. In just a few days I noticed my sugars in the mornings were dropping, I was not certain on the reason why so I played around with the products to get answers.

After a few days of doing this, I put it down to the Restorate, when I did not use it my sugars went up. I believe now it was helping my insulin to work more efficiently.

These days my sugars drop so low I quite often get Hypo's. They drop so low the doctor has told me, I no longer need Insulin in the mornings and I now also have less at night. Two weeks ago I went for my 3 monthly blood test and the result was unbelievable;

my 3 month average sugars have gone from 13.6 to 8.1 and my Cholesterol was 5.6 and now is 4.3.

Unfortunately some doctors are not completely convinced about nutritional products, they only think medicine works. If you had seen the face on this specialist and took a photo you would have had a picture of silence, he had no real explanation but to listen to my belief's, he said what ever I was doing do not change.

I now have all of my confidence back; I feel so much better knowing that there are products, which can help everyone as it did me. I only recommend that if someone asks you to try a product that is good for your health, don't knock it and give it a go. To think, what condition I would have been in if I had said NO? Fitline has not only give me more control of my health, it's also given me a better quality of life in many ways. To the people who created the Fitline products thank you , thank you , thank you. "

Wayne Barwick , Rockingham, WA...

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Anda lihat lah sendiri testimoni ini. Saya telah mencuba dan saya bertambah sihat sekarang.Tapi ubat dari Doktor masih saya teruskan. Walaupun harga nya agak mahal tapi sangat baik untuk kesihatan. Boleh beli individu item tapi kesan kurang sikit. Beli satu set iaitu CELL ENERGY SET.Saya mengidap penyakit kencing manis dan pada tahun 2009 tumit kaki saya telah dibuang isi kerana ada jangkitan kuman dan dari tahun itu saya sangat menderita. Kesihatan kurang baik dan bila tidak bekerja poket pun kurang baik.

Sebelum bulan RAMADHAN 2011 kawan saya yang baru pulang dari Sudan ( 10 tahun beliau merantau disana )telah memberi saya satu set percuma . Syukur pada ALLAH kerana denga izinya saya beransur mendapat kembali kesihatan saya. Kini saya sudah boleh pergi ofis dan...juga menulis di blog ini.

Kalau anda mahu diskaun..join ahli AD4RICHS.COM/SILVERNET kami ada cara untuk memberi diskaun. Jangan tunggu lagi.....


Frasers Hill, with a New Look!

Fraser`s Hill dikenali sebagai The Little England.Tempat yang sangat sesuai berehat di hujung minggu. Udara sejuk dan nyaman. Keadaan yang tenang tidak sesak dengan pengunjung seperti ditempat percutian yang lain. Saya memilih tempat ini untuk perjumpaan keluarga / makan malam.Terdapat aktiviti memanah / boating / horse riding
dan juga Birds watching.Kalau anda sukakan aktiviti lasak disini terdapat Jungle Trekking yang menarik untuk anda terokai.Untuk percutian keluarga ( lebih dari 20 pax ) makan malam akan disediakan didalam Hall. Anda menikmati makan malam sambil berhibur dengan permainan yang disediakan oleh pihak pengurusan. Harga RM 180-00 per pax. Aturcara sepenuhnya sila rujuk; holidaysandleisure.blogspot.com atau SILVERNET TRAVEL & TOURS (FB) atau tel: 05-3215680 / 6013-4173415 / 6013-5971831.

Monday, October 17, 2011

BLOG : nooraiza.blogspot.com - CATITAN HARIAN SAYA.

 Assalammualaikum kepada semua yang membaca blog ini.

Silver Net Event menjalankan perniagaan aturcara majlis  ( event management ) dan menguruskan percutian dan perlancongan. Apabila  Silvernet travel & Tours di tubuhkan, urusan perlancongan beralih pengurusan. Dua syarikat yang mempunyai pengurusan yang berbeza.  Kini SNE  melibatkan diri didalam perniagaan Affiliate ( on line biz ) dan juga menjual  products Minuman Kesihatan  - FIT LINE.

Blog  nooraiza.blogspot.com sekarang telah menjadi blog peribadi  untuk saya  berinteraksi dengan kawan kawan dan berkongsi berbagai cerita disamping menjalankan perniagan online. Produk akan dijual melalui blog ( online )
 Saya mengendalikan 3 lagi blog :
  • aizanetwork.blogspot.  com  (Blog ini berkaitan dengan Baking  / Cakes / Resipi.)
  • visitperak.blogspot .com  ( Berkenaan Negeri Perak beserta pakej perlancongan di Perak. -SNTT.
  • holidaysandleisure .blogspot.com. ( Berkaitan dengan pakej perlancongan luar  Negara  - SNTT.

  • Di blog ini bukan saja saya akan berkongsi perniagaan tetapi juga issue penjagaan kesihatan terutama Penyakit Kencing Manis dan juga lebih kepada catitan harian saya.

Sehingga saya menulis lagi  dan jaga diri.
Dari Noor Aiza Johan.
    Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.  ~Thomas à Kempis, Imitation of Christ, c.1420

    You've got a lot of choices.  If getting out of bed in the morning is a chore and you're not smiling on a regular basis, try another choice.  ~Steven D. Woodhull (U.S. geologist, 1976-)

    What saves a man is to take a step.  Then another step.  It is always the same step, but you have to take it.  ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand and Stars, 1939, translated from French by Lewis Galantière

    Don't wait for the Last Judgment.  It happens every day.  ~Albert Camus, The Fall, 1956

    Good for the body is the work of the body, and good for the soul is the work of the soul, and good for either is the work of the other.  ~Henry David Thoreau
